7 Its Friends Should Be Appreciated

The existence of a true friend is so important in this life. So in a sense the meaning of friendship. Good friends are those who fill out your shortcomings, go to fill your emptiness. A friend is the 'gift' that you give to yourself. So, that's why we appreciate the importance of friends who are part of our lives.

If you find 10 characteristics under any of your friends, then he is a true friend you 'find' this ver.

1. Cheerful And Cheering
A good friend of a friend who always share the moment with joy and sorrow. Not only when only fun together, when you grieve left alone. Friends like these who needs you like because the number of companions 'this kind' not many and perhaps even almost 'died'.

2. Intelligent Control Relationship
Always provide adequate relief. Good friends wisely keep 'distance' friendship reasonable. Draw back a little when feel friendship is already too close. On the contrary, the closer themselves when feeling friendship has been increasingly tenuous.

3. Respect You
Good friends are friends who respect you for that matter, rather than undermining or insulting you in front of other colleagues. In friendship, mutual respect is very important to each other. Human life can never be separated from other people's lives. So, if you want to get a good life partner then you must also be a good friend to him.

4. Tolerance And Flexibility
Never hesitate to apologize when you've made a mistake. Vice versa. Give forgiveness and forget each offense if the offense. No man in this world is perfect and personal behavior.

5. And Always Appreciate Your Sincere Compliment
Everyone likes to be appreciated and received praise. Small praise on his pal, will definitely make you feel happy. But remember, praise it also not too excessive and should be done with sincerity.

6. Helpful And Generous
The best way to be kind to friends is helpful when facing difficulties and help with sincerity. It shows your generosity. A true friend will always remember your kindness and will do the same for you.

7. Not Overly Criticize And Humiliate You
If there are things that are less suitable, a companion that will attempt to communicate with the language of polite and not condescending companion. Criticism is also important, but should be appropriate delivery method for avoiding destructive relationship of friendship.
